I'm Jael
I am a Holistic Coach, Conscious Leadership Catalyst, Expert Intuitive Consultant and Home and Business Energy Healer.
I am passionate about helping You discover and harness the power your sensitivity can give you to live a life full of joy, clarity, and vitality.
I create highly vibrational spaces for people who want to experience a new kind of life where transformation is a process that happens gently and naturally.
I'm glad you found your way here!
Here are some things you're probably wondering about me
Who are you?
I'm Jael Ortega I've been researching energy since I was a little girl. I've always known that there is an unseen world that most people can't see, yet most can feel. From an early age, I sense people’s and their environment's energy fields.
When meeting someone for the first time, the smell of their skin or clothes tells me a lot about that person's life. Entering a room would give me information about the life and challenges of the people living or working there.
Why did you become a Coach?
Being Neurodiverse Highly Sensitive and an Empath I was overwhelmed with sensitivity for most of my life, and so I looked for ways to learn and empower myself. In 2003, I heard of Coaching and took some courses to help myself with time, I helped friends and family. I saw its impact on my life some years after working in the events industry. I was able to get the best out of myself and the people around me.
You see, the way I understand leadership is this: Being a leader requires me to understand whomever I work with and follow, support, and empower them so they can achieve their dreams. My dream was to see them fly.
How do you work, what's involved in every session?
I work with the Family of Light who are Higher Conscious Beings of Light, Angels, Spirit Guides, and Loved deceased ones. They represent the Essence of Beauty, Kindness, and Grace, I also work with Master Element Mentors like Fire, Air, Earth, Metal, and Water. When a client books a session, I'll receive information about that person or situation, most of the time I'm not aware of this, but, I'll start to smell the fragrance of their Element Mentor in the air. On the day of the session, the presence of those intensifies. When the client arrives or the online session starts, all that I've been experiencing connects me with that person, their mission, challenges, and learning patterns in their life.
The session goes like this: The client asks a question and their Family of Light answers. At this point, I'm aware that there are different kinds of conversations or exchanges of energy going on. Sometimes stagnant energy is removed from the different energy bodies of the client. Sometimes Energy Healing will be given, but most of the time the client receives specific information to help them understand their life.
When did you know you were an empath?
By the age of 22, my spiritual development accelerated. I was having continuous out-of-body and multi-dimensional experiences all the time. In my journey to find myself, I met different teachers and invested a lot of time and effort in learning new practices while travelling around the world. All of these experiences showed me clearly that there is no one way to do anything. I had to create my own to find and be who I wanted to be.
Travelling puts things into perspective. Seeing what other sensitive people made out of their intuitive gifts to access all these dimensions gave me the strength to carry on living and continue my research.
What is the best transformational experience you've had so far?
Taking care of my sister has been the most profound experience of my life. I learned to use my sensitivity as a powerful tool that I feel proud of and strengthened by it day by day.
Taking care of someone else when you don't know who you are makes you grow up fast, the love and respect I NOW have for myself are the best gifts I could have ever given me.
I used to think I was the only one on this planet experiencing contrast until I realized that most humans have similar values, dreams, and resistance points.
We create resistance to
Seeing the beauty in everyone including ourselves
How we think about others shows us how we have judged ourselves.
Opening up our hearts is essential for healing.
Being kind and compassionate is our true nature and can create profound transformation and real influence in people around us.
Frequently asked questions
1.- Can Energy Healing help me to find myself?
Yes, Energy Healing techniques can help create an environment that supports your development and expansion as a human being. Clearing your energy will help you release energy blocks and Tune in to your Higher Self and have clarity about who you are.
2.- Can Energy Healing help with physical illness?
Yes, Energy Healing will help you connect with your body and therefore you'll have a better understanding of what to do in order to contribute to its healing. Most practices for Energy Healing are gentle and won't interfere with any medical treatment.
3.- Can Energy Healing help me find the job of my dreams?
Yes, using different Energy Healing techniques like Feng Shui, Space clearing and decluttering will bring new perspectives into your life and guide you to take the best action possible to achieve the results you want.
Information supplied on this website should not be used as a substitute for medical advice, or that given by any other psychological or psychiatric professional used by the client. If you are concerned about your health in any way, always consult a medical practitioner.